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WEIRD Dreams?? Recurring or one of a kind??

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On the negative side I used to have dreams about having the bomb dropped on me and dreams of more recent vintage have me getting fired. On the more plus side I used to have dreams of enjoying the company of Faye Dunaway but the strange thing about that is I really never gave her much conscious thought . That tricky woman must have snuck into my subconscious. :lol:

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I dreamed last night that I lived in NYC and liked to hang out at a newspaper/CD stand on the corner of a busy intersection. It was called JazzCorner. They were selling lots of used CDs, but the prices weren't marked on the CDs. You had to use a printed catalog to find the prices of the CDs you wanted. I kept going back because I found this BN 50's reissue that I wanted, but I couldn't find it anywhere in the catalog, and no one would help me find it. To make matters worse, a friend (I can't remember who it was now, but the name was the name of a regular JC poster whose name starts with an "M") kept criticizing me for the way I was reading the catalog. I finally looked at the CD again and realized that it was a Johnny Hartman CD, and not another artist's CD, as I had previously believed.

That's when I woke up. I realized that the friend that had been criticizing me was Morton Feldman. I believe I saw his picture posted here before I went to bed. Also, earlier in the day, I'd been listening to a Johnny Hartman Impulse reissue that I just got. Strange how those things make their way into dreams.

Edited by vibes
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  • 1 year later...

Ever wake up laughing? I woke up this morning and remembered this little nugget:

I was on the set of a Regis-like tv show which was in the process of taping. Mel Torme was a frequent guest, or maybe a co-host, and here today he was dressed up like some wino santa claus, beard and all. Then he started singing, and singing into the camera. I "became" the camera, so he was singing directly to me from just a foot away, with big bulging eyes and that scraggly beard. The song he was singing?

... Darn that dream I dream each night ...


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  • 1 month later...
  • 3 weeks later...

Had a dream that Chuck Nessa came over with a box full of old cds, cassettes, and a couple of lps. He was trying to get my dad's old turntable up and running so I could hear this Bill Evans track. Couldn't get it to work, so he just hummed a few bars for me. :huh:

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A recent one featured me driving one of those gigantic 4x4's that are as tall as a house at the wheel well, in reverse down a winding road at high speeds. The road was crumbling, with big pieces of it missing and opening to a giant chasm underneath, as if the road were floating and what was left of it wasn't attached to anything stable. My driving skills were good though, I avoided having the truck fall into the holes and directed it to a tropical hotel/casino type place where I handed the keys to the valet. No more chocolate ice cream before bed.

Edited by Noj
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Had a dream the other night that I was in a cd shop, like the size of the Soho Tower and there's no real organization to the cds, so I start thumbing through them and came across some weird Chick Corea session, which came with a video. It showed Chick, like in this vintage 1970 grainy color clip with some huge band, but he was experimenting by having all their horns fastened to a huge bar that had a handle at the end, so when the horn section was playing, he'd stand there at the end and move this bar so that whatever horn was being played moved to the next horn player. So everyone is now playing the dude's horn next to him. Then he had like a tower of old electronic keyboards sloppily stacked on top of one another, that he was banging on with the other hand. I could hear the music which was a complete mess, but Chick seemed happy with it.

Then the next cd was by Rush and I was completely shocked to see on the back that it was recorded for Impulse! Then I woke up. :huh:

Edited by Holy Ghost
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Jim Alfredson was in the corner fiddling with his Moog Voyager in my dreams last night. :wacko:

Are you sure that isn't a recurring nightmare?

Had a dream the other night that I was in a cd shop, like the size of the Soho Tower and there's no real organization to the cds, so I start thumbing through them and came across some weird Chick Corea session, which came with a video. It showed Chick, like in this vintage 1970 grainy color clip with some huge band, but he was experimenting by having all their horns fastened to a huge bar that had a handle at the end, so when the horn section was playing, he'd stand there at the end and move this bar so that whatever horn was being played moved to the next horn player. So everyone is now playing the dude's horn next to him. Then he had like a tower of old electronic keyboards sloppily stacked on top of one another, that he was banging on with the other hand. I could hear the music which was a complete mess, but Chick seemed happy with it.

Then the next cd was by Rush and I was completely shocked to see on the back that it was recorded for Impulse! Then I woke up. :huh:

That is totally awesome! Somebody needs to invent that horn-switcheroo-bar-thingy. Post haste!

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dream number 2:

Anna Nicole Smith and Marilyn Monroe are fighting over me; finally, Marilyn stops pulling Anna Nicole's hair and says: "Ah, you can have him. He's no JFK."

I object to this, and I begin to discuss the debate over whether JFK was planning on withdrawing from Vietnam; Anna Nicole points out that the Gulf on Tonkin was a smokescreen; Marilyn begins to act out scenes from the Tet Offensive. Larry Kart comes into the room and starts quoting from some blog about the Iraq war. Both women leave with him.

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dream number 3:

I'm downloading some Roscoe Mitchell tunes off the net; Paris Hilton comes into the room, says "Allen, your gonna piss off Nessa." She tells me she prefers the ESP stuff by Marzette Watts anyway, and remarks "I once took a bath with Bernard Stollman." This excites me, and I challenge her to a game of Trivial Pursuits. She says, "Sure, but first let me change into something more comfortable." While she's out of the room I get a phone call from Sonny Bono, who says "copywright, schmopywright, wear a helmet when you ski" and hangs up. When Paris comes back into the room she's dressed as dumpy mama, and is carrying a picture of Sonny Williams, which she than proceeds to light on fire, throw on the ground, and stomp on. Suddenly Jim Sangrey comes into the room, giving a piggy-back ride to Sarah Silverman. He says to me, "Allen, she doesn't know the difference between vertical and horizontal, and I don't like doing it standing up. Please explain it to her."

I wake up.

Edited by AllenLowe
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dream number 4:

I'm in Synagogue, it's Passover - Rabbi Schwartz begins to talk, and as he does, slowly he morphs into the Reverend Wright - while behind him a Calypso band begins to play, and Wright starts singing a Yiddish version of Jamaica Farewell when suddenly he is joined on the pulpit by Farrakhan, and they start to harmonize, until they morph into Simon and Garfunkel singing "Blessed." And than a curtain opens up, and we're all onstage at the Columbia Records convention, and Chris Albertson is at the podium debating Dan Gould on the relative merits of different brands of oyster sauce, when Gould throws a bottle of the stuff at Chris; I jump in front of Chris, taking the bottle for him, and collapse bloody to the floor, where Patti Page rushes over and begins administering mouth-to-mouth. When I open my eyes she and Irving Townsend are dancing the mambo while Perry Como sings; Gould runs off stage wearing a mermaid suit; Chris chases after him, yelling "screw the Three Sounds." There is rioting in the hall and people begin to fight, hand-to-hand. 15 minutes later the dust clears and everyone is lying dead; the only sound is Hillary Clinton, having sex in the corner with members of The Isely Brothers band -

I wake up in a terrible sweat -

Edited by AllenLowe
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  • 2 weeks later...

This dream was a nightmare...if you're a golfer <_< This time I'm playing golf with the current president and he is able to tee off from the tee box like normal, whereas I was forced to tee off on this tiny patio with beams, furniture and stilts in the way. Everytime I move a patio chair or try to put my tee in a little whole in the patio floor, I can't swing my club properly because there's no room or something's in the way. So I huff off to the side where there's a grassy patch and I start twirling my club like a baton and then the grip becomes unraveled. So now I'm trying to figure out how to put my grip back together and the president is laughing at me. I could never figure out how to fix the grip so finally, I head back to the patio, because I still cannot use the tee box and I just take my best swing at the ball and it lands like 10 yards away from the patio and the president thought this was pretty funny too. Then I woke up. :mellow:

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I don't remember any recurring dreams until I began living with my late wife Helen. She suffered from mental health problems, and she also really believed in dreams as prophetic vehicles in a way. Early on in our life together I literally was sometimes punished for things that "I" said or did in her dreams. And she had dreams that I could and maybe should use to populate horrifying paranoid tv or film scripts or novels.

She also talked in her sleep and would jar me awake with some telling phrases.

But besides that, after some years together I found myself unwillingly remembering more of my dreams, and I had some recurring dream sequences. I think they were just sort of my mind deleting some information stored up and "overloaded" in two out of three instances.

One: liner notes to lp and cd releases, but not REAL ones. Unwritten ones so to speak! Page after page of them streaming through my dreams, sort of in a manner that PKD had some of his pink beam informational visions. Sometimes it seemed I had written them, sometimes they were written by a few members here, sometimes the authors were the usual suspects like Christiern, MC, OK, IG, etc.

Two: database dreams. For years I spent many many working hours within a database that was the work order system for our division and kept being expanded into the sort of "omniscient god" of our agency's mission and accounting. I seemed to be one of the one-eyed men among the blind in the agency and kept getting roped deeper and deeper into modifying and evaluating the database functions and data, until finally the agency hired two persons who had spent years working for the database's creator company to take on those roles. I would see screen after screen of this database stream along and intertwine in my dreams. It seemed that domestic activities and my details of my collecting life would be represented in dataviews and reports. It was the closest I've come to a nightmare in a long time outside of what my wife has related to me of some of her dreams.

Three: the masks of comedy and tragedy. I have had some recurring dreams where these two masks, usually lying among trashcans in a sort of sixties urban alleyway (probably a memory of the one I used to experience off Sommersett St.(sp?) in Philly) and talking to me, analyzing things happening in my dream and/or life and offering me advice. I was usually chain-smoking cigarettes during these sessions; though I've not smoked in nearly eighteen years, I often smoke in my dreams.

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