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  2. The other, wider, suggestion is if you're sincere about wanting to deal with your collection is to probably start by asking yourself what kind of time scale are you looking at. Are you moving in a month and have to drop a load of them (or all) really quickly? ... or do you have a longer timescale where you can let loose of one or two items for every new one you buy now ... or something similar (10 year plan ... a summer's sifting ... or so on). Sometimes time scales can help with your final decisions.
  3. I'll grab it, sure. Probably CD/digital. Archival to me means that the group/project is no longer active, which would be accurate for this release.
  4. potential, at least for Coltrane, Chambers, and Philly Joe. I never really felt Garland was all that interesting but it has been years since I listened to him with any level of concentration. My piano sense has gotten better over time, and I might hear him differently now.
  5. Maybe its just me but "archival release" doesn't cover a concert from 10 years ago. This maybe exciting for some but I still hold out hope for something from a BN artist from the Left Bank tapes or something like that.
  6. Today
  7. Via the booklet for the box set of Davis' Prestige quintet recordings: In his liner notes to Steamin', Joe Goldberg wrote that many listeners initially felt that the quintet was comprised of "a trumpet player who could play only in the middle register and fluffed half his notes; an out-of-tune tenor player; a cocktail pianist; a drummer who played so loud that nobody else could be heard; and a teenage bassist."
  8. Moved to Eastern Rebellion 4 which is interesting for the addition of Alfredo Armenteros on trumpet and David Williams on bass. NP: This is a nice pairing with the first volume since it's that same quartet here, live in Bremen '76. I dig these guys live a little more than in a studio. Looks like it has only this Japanese CD as the official release, but I bet it's online somewhere.
  9. https://www.bluenote.com/announcing-wayne-shorter-celebration-volume-1/
  10. Yeah, no sources here, but I do recall a number of contemporaneous critical commentary referencing some variation on "ugly".
  11. Spoken like a living creature!!! 👁️‍🗨️ 🤠 🤩
  12. Toshiyuki Miyama & The New Herd – Be Bop / Up To Date ... Japan 1976
  13. I just caved and ordered this from Amazon, $49. Despite having much of the Bern set on the Heavy Horses box, my FOMO just kicked in.
  14. Looking through the Coltrane reference, the gig I meant was probably in Quebec in mid-April so the Jazz Podium article may have been a little bit after that
  15. I'm currently this week enjoying a major UK open-air historical festival at which Michael Palin (of Python fame etc) was due to appear tomorrow talking about his Great Uncle Harry and WW1. Just heard that he has had to cancel last minute due to catching covid so it seems to be going around at present (in N London at least).
  16. Hats off to y'all for the music being played on page 301 here. Great stuff
  17. Kurt Masur - The Complete Warner Classics Edition, disc 64. Reinhard Goebel complete Archiv box, disc 49.
  18. I thought Don Juan's Reckless Daughter showed her out of control, probably due to drugs and alcohol. I wonder if that's why she disappeared from the scene for a few years. Still, Hejira is a true highlight of her career.
  19. Joni Mitchell - The Asylum Albums 1976-1980. And this is where I get off the train, her Geffen and later work don't do it for me. I'm also not a fan of the 'Mingus' album, though I like all the others in this set quite a bit.
  20. I'm told that Paxlovid should be taken within five days of symptom onset. I'm also told that you can possibly test positive for weeks after you begin to feel better. So keep those masks handy!
  21. Not screwed at all if you've had hours of stimulation listening to them, that's what they're for. Screwed if you bought them as an investment opportunity, definitely.
  22. NP: The addition of Curtis Fuller to the lineup brings some variation. Not my favorite trombonist but he does well enough here, and his presence on these tracks is substantial. If you're a Fuller fan, you'll dig this. Seven Minds is the standout track IMO. Nice playing from Jones is a highlight.
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